(416) 968-2538

Metaphysical Sales

When you are ready, answer these questions in your mind: What proportion of sales is a mental game? That is, how important is it to be confident, focussed, and motivated in your profession? As a success oriented person, what are you doing to elevate your belief in...

A Question of Abundance

From time to time it’s a good idea to stand back and examine our habits of thought – the types of questions we are asking ourselves. Are our queries tapping into our deeper resources or are we courting defeat without consciously making this choice?...

Master Gratitude

Each professional day, take 30 seconds to experience gratitude. Answer the question: “What am I grateful for right now?” Or complete the sentence: “I am grateful for…. (being alive and well).” Go with whatever spontaneously comes to mind. You...

Feel Wealthy

Motivational speaker and author Dr. Joseph Murphy has presented a wonderful technique for increasing sales. To boost material (or spiritual) prosperity, Murphy advises the salesperson to follow four steps: Relax your mind by letting go of any pre-existing thoughts....

Relationships Plus

In sales, you are either building up credits with people or losing them. What information or assistance are you giving clients that they find exceedingly valuable? Your relationships with customers should have forward momentum, meaning that you are continually gaining...

Small Gains

Conservative increases are often overlooked in favour of the big score. Small, consistent gains will provide amazing results over time. Highly accomplished sales executives recognize how they can elevate their income by making small but meaningful improvements. They...