Our Firm
Thane Crossley Partners is a management consulting group specializing in results oriented professional development for executives and sales leaders. Founded in 1980, we have over 35 years experience helping individuals elevate their performance. We are committed to your career satisfaction and prosperity.
Our Focus
Are you getting the most from your sales efforts? Are you excited about your role and where you are headed? Our team has assisted thousands of individuals to find success and happiness. Based on these consultations, we have compiled an arsenal of simple yet powerful techniques for elevating your income.
Our Tips
Each of the suggestions presented on our site and in our new book 25 Sales Boosters has been extensively tested to work in the field. Devote just 10 minutes a day to studying and applying these suggestions and in a year you will be delighted with your progress.
Hire the Best
Hiring talented sales people is vital for your Organization's success. Without your product or service moving to the consumer's world, you have zero revenue. Sales are your future. The best in your field have strong problem solving, relationship building, and follow...
Sales ABC’s
There are three underlying actions integral to every sale. Keeping them in mind will help you identify how you can better capitalize on your strengths and build a stronger sales dialogue. Absorb prospects into the buying experience. Accomplished sales people are...

Thane Crossley is a Canadian psychologist practicing in Toronto. He holds a doctoral degree in applied psychology from the University of Toronto and is also a peak performance hypnotherapist, helping clients access new perspectives and resource states resident in one’s deeper mind. Outside his work life, Dr. Crossley enjoys riding motorcycles, playing guitar, and spending time with family.
In his second book, 25 Sales Boosters, Dr. Crossley synthesizes three decades’ worth of dialogues he’s had with thousands of sales colleagues to help other businessmen and women make the most of their own skills.