(416) 968-2538

Check your Altitude

In sales as well as in life, periodically assess where you are now with where you want to be. Pay particular attention to how you are feeling versus how you want to feel. Spend more time in your desired space. You can lift your spirit quite quickly by aligning with...

Seller Beware

Today’s up and coming salesperson is more of a ‘helper’ than a ‘pitcher’. Prospects don’t want to be solicited or pressured. Instead, customers expect to be understood and assisted. In this new space, take a second look at how you...

Take Action

Periodically, it’s a sound idea to take a look at your sales career. Consider where you are and where you are going. Ask yourself what barriers you are facing. What is holding you back? Perhaps you have noticed that most obstacles to success have a reality...

First Calls

Are you prepared? Spend five minutes more on your background work than you do now. Refine your introductory questions. Make your ‘elevator pitch’ compelling. Have short, medium and long versions for different scenarios. Regularly practise each. Record and...

The Five Whys

When you are rejected in sales ask yourself ‘why’ several times. Probing beyond each reason or excuse helps uncover blocks, hurdles, and obstacles that are below the conscious level of awareness. The initial answer to the ‘why’ question usually...

Copy Right

Sales is a continuous improvement process. Either we are advancing in our craft or sliding back. Take deliberate steps each month to intentionally learn something new. Then gradually apply what you now know for your ever increasing benefit. Select another professional...