(416) 968-2538

Supercharge Your Presence

When you have a moment between sales activities, direct your attention inwards and connect with the energy field that animates your being. This is your life force. Sense its presence. You might say to yourself: “I am focussing on my life force” or,...

Achieve More

Here are five quick tips to help you bring in more business. Implement the suggestion that best resonates with you now. Return back to incorporate a second recommendation in about four months. 1) Focus on your intent. Results tend to follow when you are...

Listen up

Most sales people talk too much. They dominate the sales dialogue. While capturing your prospect’s attention with a convincing pitch is wonderful, to truly absorb a customer into the buying experience you need to get the individual emotionally involved. Get them...

Stay High

Sales is both wonderfully rewarding and sometimes, incredibly tough. To be successful over the longer term, you need to consistently show excitement for your product and passion for your career. Top professionals frequently check in with themselves, noting how they...

Elevate Your Sales Mantra

People talk to themselves more than they speak with others. Does it make a difference what you say to yourself? Metaphysical philosophers tell us that much of our reality is created in our minds before it is projected out into the world. We tend to symbolically...

Build Prosperity

The wonder and excitement of life. How is it for you? Many people stay on automatic pilot, going day after day without much thought about why they are here or what they really want. Being in a holding pattern is one option. Another is to revel in physical, mental,...